
Change the world. Don't let the world change you.

It is easy to stand with the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone. Do you have that courage? Most of us don't have  that courage so we simply change ourselves in order to "Fit in" with the crowd. Why should you change yourself just to fit in? Why can't the world just accept you the way you are? Ask these questions to yourself whenever you think of changing yourself for the sake of others.

Don't let the society change the real you. You have to be you and can't let others change that. Everyone is different. You can't be me and I can't be you. Everyone have their own identity and own life. You were born in this world to live your own life and experience your own things, not to follow others. Always remember one thing; if you want others to get inspired by you then first of all always be yourself and then change the world for the better being your true self.

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. So your vision and your action really matters. Changing the world is not an easy thing but its's not impossible either. Be the change you want to be, not what the world wants you to be. Have your own vision, change your vision into action and be true to yourself. Be the leader not the follower. "CHANGE THE WORLD. DON'T LET THE WORLD CHANGE YOU."


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